Let's explore INSA Lyon
Saturday, February 8, 2025
Face-to-face and online - ON REGISTRATION
Conferences Open Day 2025
Find out more about INSA Lyon with live conferences by our specialists. Conferences were held in French except for the bachelor's program.
17/12/2024 - Webinaire Intégrer l'INSA Lyon en 3e année
16/01/2025 - Processus d'admission en 1re année
16/01/2025 - Processus d'admission en 3e année
08/02/2025 - Présentation de l'INSA Lyon
08/02/2025 - Présentation de la section Sport de Haut Niveau
08/02/2025 - Présentation de l'INSA Lyon
08/02/2025 - Ingénieur et transition écologique
08/02/2025 - L’INSA Lyon, un campus à vivre et à habiter
08/02/2025 - Présentation de l'INSA Lyon
08/02/2025 - Partir à l’international
08/02/2025 - Mon quotidien en première année à l’INSA Lyon
08/02/2025 - L’ingé’ INSA : un expert technique, mais pas que
08/02/2025 - Entreprendre pendant ses études
08/02/2025 - L’ingénierie pour toutes
13/02/2025 - Bachelor in Mechanical, Materials and Aerospace Engineering

Our studies
Years 1 and 2
Years 3 to 5
5 apprenticeship programs
International, Arts, Sport, INS’Avenir
* Courses open to international students
Another way to discover INSA Lyon
Start with a few words from Frédéric Fotiadu, Director of INSA Lyon, and continue your discovery with the INSA model, a presentation of our studies, our campus and our ecosystem. You can also find out more about sport and the humanities.
INSA Lyon is France's leading post-baccalaureate engineering school. It welcomes a wide variety of profiles among the best baccalaureate (A level) holders in France.
Diversity, excellence, open-mindedness and innovation are the driving forces behind INSA Lyon model which, since 1957, has promoted a vision of an avant-garde engineer, more than ever modern today. The INSA engineer is an engineer like no other. He has excellent scientific and technical skills, but is also able to understand the major contemporary issues our society is facing.