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International sections

International sections offer the possibility of combining scientific excellence and intercultural experience. The 4 international sections of the FIMI department (Core Foundation Engineering Program) combine international students holding a foreign baccalaureate or equivalent and students holding a French general scientific baccalaureate.

The program, identical to that of the traditional sector, has specific features: two compulsory languages ​​in addition to the mother tongue, awareness of international cultures and institutions, French as a foreign language (FLE) course for foreign students.

Choosing an international course allows you to acquire a solid scientific base while developing a different vision of cultures, working methods and human relations.

The FIMI department offers 4 international sectors: Asinsa, Amerinsa, Eurinsa and GlobalINSA.


ASINSA is an international section attached to the Core Foundation Engineering Program which gives students a broad multi-disciplinary education in science, technology and engineering. The particularity of ASINSA is to immerse students in a multicultural context because half of the class is Asian, while the other half is French.

With a specific focus on Asia, this two-year program(undergraduate level) aims to prepare students to join the three-year graduate course in one of the 9 departments of study which then lead to the INSA ‘Diplôme d’ingénieur’, internationally recognized as an MSc in Engineering.

Asinsa has around 150 students, half from France and half from Southeast Asia, mainly from China and Vietnam.


AMERINSA is an international section attached to the Core Foundation Engineering Program which gives students a broad multi-disciplinary education in science, technology and engineering. The particularity of AMERINSA is to immerse students in a multi-cultural context because half of the class is from Latin America, while the other half is French.

With a specific focus on Latin America, this two-year program (undergraduate level) aims to prepare students to join the three-year graduate course in one of the 9 departments of study which then lead to the INSA ‘Diplôme d’ingénieur’, internationally recognized as an MSc in Engineering.


EURINSA is the European section attached to the Core Foundation Engineering Program which gives students a broad multi-disciplinary education in science, technology and engineering. The particularity of EURINSA is to train students under international, multi-cultural conditions, by mixing 50% of French students with 50% of european students from other origins.

Eurinsa is a two-year undergraduate educational program in engineering which trains students from close to 20 european origins in order to add a cross-cultural international dimension to their scientific higher education.

The program aims to prepare students to join the three-year graduate course in one of the 9 departments of study which then lead to the INSA ‘Diplôme d’ingénieur’, internationally recognized as an MSc in Engineering.


The GLOBALINSA section – Science et Anglais – is an International English-speaking program at INSA Lyon.

GLOBALINSA is attached to the Core Foundation Engineering Program which gives students a a broad multidisciplinary education in science, technology and engineering. The particularity of GLOBALINSA is to offer the Core Foundation Engineering Program curriculum in English.

This two-year program (undergraduate level) aims to prepare students to join the three-year graduate course in one of the 9 departments of study which then lead to the INSA ‘Diplôme d’ingénieur’, internationally recognized as an MSc. in Engineering.

International sections / Documents

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